Process and Technology Statement

Process and Technology Disclosure

I am a photographer by trade. I also use generative tools to edit my photographs as well as to create final art. The images you see on this site may or may not have been captured with a camera, but each image has been carefully created using a number of tools and processes. Nothing on this site is presented or printed directly from any capture method or generative tool, and every image is distilled through a number of processes guided by years of practice, education, and intuition.

These processes range from darkroom based methods to digital capture, and text to image, generative AI. In short, I am an image maker and the goal is to make images that solve the need of clients and touch the soul of patrons using the right tool for the desired outcome.

We need to move beyond the question of what is real, since photography was never real in the first place. All visual technology exists to serve a purpose of communicating ideas, and I fully embrace that use of the darkroom, the camera, and generative AI methods to meet that end. I also fully support transparency in communicating these important aspects of image making in the 21st century.